What is unique about the Science of Mind teaching?
Is Science of Mind considered a Christian philosophy?
What is Science of Mind’s belief about Jesus?
What does Science of Mind believe about the Bible?
What is spiritual mind treatment?
Why is spiritual mind treatment effective?
Can I do spiritual mind treatment for myself?
How does treatment compare to meditation and prayer?
Science of Mind (also known as Religious Science) is a philosophical study of humankind, one’s purpose in being here, and one’s relationship to life, family, work, fellow beings, environment and Creator. Founded by Dr. Ernest Holmes in the 1920s, followers of Science of Mind believe it includes the best in science, religion and philosophy. Science of Mind teaches that every individual controls the course of his/her life, success or failure, health or sickness, happiness, or disappointments by mental processes which function according to a universal law. Science of Mind teaches that all are physical, mental, and spiritual beings and each is a unique individualization of the one universal and supreme Being. Through its practices and teachings, Science of Mind endeavors to include the whole life. One of Science of Mind’s messages that is often stressed is “good news” for the here and now, not the hereafter. The rewards or benefits are enjoyed in this world and the results might show in better health, happier homes and in various other ways that make for well-balanced lives. Science of Mind believes the teachings of Jesus, as well as the teachings of all the great masters, as applied through the principles of Science of Mind, can bring health, happiness and success into one’s daily life.
What is unique about the Science of Mind teaching?
Science of Mind is a seven-days-a-week philosophy of life that teaches the oneness of God and humankind. It is actually this concept of oneness that may be the greatest single difference between Science of Mind and the more traditional Christian concepts. Since there is no feeling of separation between God and self to the metaphysical person, one is freed from the necessity of seeking God’s favors. Instead, one believes that his or her needs and desires are fulfilled as God works through them. Furthermore, Science of Mind teaches that God’s availability is constant. Science of Mind calls itself a combination of science, philosophy and religion for a simple reason; because it considers God in a scientific, intellectual relationship as well as in a personal, loving and emotional way.
Is Science of Mind considered a Christian philosophy?
Science of Mind is a universal philosophy, but due to our cultural background it is Christianity-oriented. The law of cause and effect is no more than the scientific use of the Golden Rule. Science of Mind followers believe the Christ Spirit, God, is present within all people, so Science of Mind might well be called a Christian philosophy.
What is Science of Mind’s belief about Jesus?
Science of Mind accepts the example and teachings of Jesus and does not deny his divinity. Rather, Science of Mind affirms the divinity of all people, because God is the Creator of us all. Science of Mind introduces techniques devised to expand our conscious awareness of spiritual law and shows us how to utilize it, thereby creating the experience of wholesome living for all that follow its principle.
What does Science of Mind believe about the Bible?
Science of Mind believes the Bible is amongst many sacred scriptures inspired by the one Mind and presented through various spiritual teachers. We believe that for Western civilization, the Judeo-Christian scriptures offer many insights leading to spiritual freedom.
What is spiritual mind treatment?
Spiritual mind treatment is affirmative prayer and is the scientific and spiritual act of using your conscious mind to select what you want, then directing your subconsciousmind to bring this into your experience. It is based on the theory that we are surrounded by a Universal Mind which always responds to our thoughts.There are specific steps in treatment that shift consciousness from a limited experience to a greater idea of what is possible.
Why is spiritual mind treatment effective?
Spiritual mind treatment is effective because your thinking and feeling nature determines your experience. The interaction between your patterns of thought and feeling, and the universal life, has been the cause of every experience you have ever had, are having, or will ever have.
Can I do spiritual mind treatment for myself?
Absolutely. Spiritual mind treatment is a scientific method that can be learned and practiced by every individual for themselves and for others. You can learn how to treat yourself to greater living. Your results will be determined by your ability to let go of the past, to realize the greatness of the moment, and to accept for yourself increased good in the future.
How does treatment compare to meditation and prayer?
Simply, in prayer you ask for an idea of something you want. In meditation you absorb an idea. In treatment you project an idea. Prayer indicates petition or asking, and can be said to be an action on the part of humans, reaching out to a God in order to get something. Meditation is a quiet, relaxed, absorption of ideas into consciousness. As you meditate upon an idea you absorb it into the structure of your thought and it becomes you. Treatment is active, dynamic thinking of God, and declaring your spiritual wholeness and the idea that you already have all that you need within you.
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